- 珠海校区
- 电话:0756-2319666
- 传真:0756-2319678
- 邮箱:info@glvchina.com
- 杭州校区
- 电话:0571-83861618
- 传真:0571-82672196
- 邮箱:hzglv@glvchina.com
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The rules to the students under 20 years old in GLV
Dear parents,
We appreciate your trust in GLV. We will try our best to offer the best service to help your children make great progress. In order to protect our “total immersion” English only environment, create the best language environment for all students, and considering the need for students under 20 years of age to adjust to the total immersion environment, the following rules have been established.
Attention: What is TIE? TIE means Total Immersion Experience. Students will used English only while they are studying in GLV (from 8:00a.m. to 20:30p.m.), Speaking Chinese, using cell-phone and electronic dictionaries are forbidden.
GLV’s dormitory is located in apartment block near the school; GLV will encourage the students to speak English Only in the dormitory. On Saturdays and Sundays there are optional activities organized by GLV which students can choose to join.
We have the right to give the verbal and written warnings if your children break the rules of GLV. We can end their study if they break the rules too many times.
Speaking Chinese; using cell-phones or electronic dictionaries is not allowed; alcohol, smoking; any kinds of drugs prohibit by law, are forbidden.
Taking part in the school’s courses (skills class, elective, workshop and evening program), being on time, do not absent. Paying attention in classes and programs, finishing homework on time etc. are required.
Respecting teachers, staff and students; taking care of school property, checking in coming into the school and always wearing the nametag are required.
Eating any place in school except dining room is forbidden.
Obeying all the rules of the school. If students go outside without permission, they will be responsible in case of any accidents. If they need to live in a dormitory, they must obey the dormitory’s rules, and they will be responsible for any consequences if they do not obey the rules.
Students must go back to the dormitory after the Evening Program. The school will check the dormitory on a random basis to verify students are present. They will be responsible for any consequence if they do not obey the rules (come back late, staying out all night)
Students should call the GLV dormitory manager’s phone number: (0756-2319751), if any emergency happens at night.
If students needs to go back home on the weekend, their parents must tell the AAs before Friday.
The standard policy is that once students have move into the GLV dormitory, they cannot move out. However, if a student has availed reason, an exception can be made. To be considered for such an exception, students must submit their requests stating the reason and including the address, contact number, etc. It’s understood the request for students to live off campus must have the students’parents approve with signature and that they will be responsible for any related.
The dormitory is for GLV students use only. Outsiders are not allowed to stay over night in the dormitory for any reason. The students who allow outsiders to stay in the GLV dormitory and the outsiders will be responsible for any consequences.
Boys and girls are not allowed to stay in the same dormitory. They will be responsible for consequences that result, including pregnancy, personal injury, property damage or other problems. GLV can end their study according the school policies.
If the Academic Assistants (AA) must talk to students about poor behavior, the 1st time they will get a verbal warning and the 2nd time they get written warning card. Student will be asked to sign an agreement if they get two warning cards. A copy of the agreement will be send to their parents who must also sign it and fax it back to the AAs. Student can be asked to leave the school when they got three warning cards.
Issues not covered by these rules are handled according to other policies.
附 则 Bylaws
We will inform students’ parents if the following happens during their children studying in GLV.
1、请假、迟到、早退或旷课次数较多(有可能终止其学习);The students asking for leave, being late, leaving early or being absent for classes many times.(These may result in the terminal of their study);
2、学习态度不佳;The students do not participate in the classes;
3、影响老师正常教学和其他学员的学习;The students is disruptive in the class;
4、违反校规得到警告;The students Break the rules and get warnings;
Students’ parents can call AA (9:00a.m. to 19:00p.m on Monday to Friday) if they want to know students’ studying in GLV.
Sign your name if both you and your child understand, and agree to obey the above rules. Thank you.
家长签名 __________________ 学生签名 __________________
Parents'signature Student's signature
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