        离开了GLV,你还在努力地与英语打交道吗?工作的奔波忙碌是否让你无暇回顾你在GLV学到的英语知识? 现在,GLV权威英语学习团队倾情为你打造GLV“邮英语”,给你提供最新鲜、最有趣、最富有启发性的英语学习资料。只要你轻松打开你的邮箱,就能定期收到GLV为你准备的英语知识盛宴,让你在滑动鼠标的轻松一刻,就能重新收获GLV英语学习的魅力与精彩。

Dear GLV students:

GLV is now offering you a special email service, which will provide you with the latest information in English  --useful as well as inspiring. Just check your email regularly and you can enjoy a fantastic experience of English learning at your convenience.
This email service is free for anyone who has studied at GLV. You are welcomed to share this service with your friends. Let us continue our journey learning English together.

SpeciaDays in November

 Two Giant Pandas Arrive in Japan

China donated two giant pandas, named Lan Lan and Kang Kang, to Japan in 1992.  This donation was made to commemorate the twenty year anniversary of the normalization of relations between China and Japan in 1972.     

World Hello Day
The objective of World Hello Day is to promote world peace. The theme of this day is "Greet ten people for peace". It is really easy to participate in World Hello Day. Simply, say hello to people today and voice your concern for world peace. 

Black Friday

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. It is one of the two busiest shopping days of  the year. In the world of accountants, red signifies a loss, and black signifies a  profit. For many retailers, the Christmas holiday sales season represents one half to three quarters of their annual    sales. Often, retailers are losing money, until holiday sales begin. Holiday sales formally begin on the day          after Thanksgiving.

免费咨询电话:400 608 8080
 平和  校庆 邀请
时间: 2010年12月24日 (周五)15:30 - 19:00
地点: 珠海平和英语大厅
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 参与幸运抽奖,赢取丰富奖品
 师生联谊
 享用美味晚宴
2010年12月20前,请把您对平和的祝福语发送到以下邮箱: alumni@glvchina.com
